Suspended Judgements , 1992; Van Dyke Brown on cotton organdy with wood and twisted cord; 84 x 24 x 15 inches
  Suspended Judgements  (detail), 1992
  Form+Purpose  (left);  The Challenge of Constraints  (right), 1992; Van Dyke Brown on linen and cotton organdy with wood; 96 x 192 inches (left) and 96 x 72 inches (right). Mills College Art Museum, Oakland, CA
  Consecution  (#2), 1992; zinc etching plates, steel shelves; 34 x 24 x 5 inches
 Untitled, 1992; photogravure, Ed. 5; 44 x 30 inches. Collection Microsoft Corporation. Collection Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
  50 Impressions , 1993; etching plate impressions on paper, steel shelf; 8 x 12 x 4 inches. Collection San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
  398 Impressions , 1992; etching plate impressions on paper: 8 x 12 x 19 inches
 Untitled, 1992; Van Dyke Brown on linen; 18 x 18 inches
 Untitled, 1992; Van Dyke Brown on wood, 36 x 60 inches
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